आकूपेशनल थेरापी को ओटी कहते हैं । इसमें फिजिकल, मेंटल या डेवलपमेंट या हिस्फंक्शन कंडीशन में विकास, रिकवर या स्थिरावस्था हेतु चिकित्सा दी जाती है । ओटी रोगी केंद्रित प्रेक्टिस है, इसमें रोगी के लक्ष्य की प्रगति पर महत्व दिया जाता है । चिकित्सा हस्तक्षेप बायोलाजिकल कंपोनेंट, वातावण अनुग्रहण, टास्क को अनुकूलन, कौशल सिखाना, रोगी/परिवार को सिखाना ताकि दैनिक गतिविधियाँ बढा कर भागीदारी संभव हो, विशेष करके जो रोगी के लिए सार्थक हों ।
ओटी विभाग के निम्न खंड हैं :
1. सामान्य ओटी
2. हस्त चिकित्सा
3. हस्त स्प्लिंटिंग
4. नित्य जीवन की गतिविधि (एडीएल)
5. शिशु ओ टी
6. संवेदी समेकित चिकित्सा
7. विशेष उपकरण
8. आकलन एवं फालो अप
ओ टी में उपलब्ध सेवायें :
1. फंक्शनल डेफिसिट आकलन एवं चिकित्सा
2, विकासात्मक चिकित्सा
3. हस्त चिकित्सा
4. ए.डी एल प्रशिक्षण
5. बेरियर मुक्त वातावारण पर भिन्नक्षमों को सलाह
6. संवेदन समेकन चिकित्सा
7. स्प्लिंट्स एवं सहायक संयंत्र
*विभाग इनडोर रोगियों को शनिवार को भी सेवायें उपलब्ध कराता है ।
वर्तमान में पुनर्स्थापन साढे चार वर्षीय अवधि (छः महीने की इंटर्नशिप सहित) स्नातक पाठ्यक्रम बीओटी 62 सीटों के साथ तथा दो वर्षीय उपाध्युत्तर पाठ्यक्रम एमआटी 15 सीटों सह चलाता है। एमओटी में विशेषता हेतु रिहाबिलिटेशन, डेवलपमेंट डिजेबिलिटीज, न्यूरोलोजी एवं हेंड रिहेबिलिटेशन उपलब्ध हैं । 2008 प्रवेश एवं 2009 परीक्षा से सेमिस्टर प्रणाली बीओटी पाठ्यक्रम हेतु लागू है ।
अल्पावधि पाठ्यक्रम :
देश के योग्यता संपन्न चिकित्सकों, भिन्नक्षमों एवं उनके परिवार के सदस्यों के लिए अल्पावधि पाठ्यक्रम आयोजित करता है । सरकारी नियमानुसार प्रतिभागियों को टीए/डीए दिया जाता है ।
अतिथि अध्यापक आमंत्रण :
दीघावधि एवं अल्पावधि पाठ्यक्रमों में अतिथि अध्यापकों को भाषण देने आमंत्रित किया जाता है ।
इंटर्नशिप :
चार वर्ष का बीओटी पाठ्यक्रम पूरा करने के बाद छात्र छः महीने का रोटेटरी इंटर्नशिप करता है । पुनर्स्थापन द्वारा स्थापित नियमानुसार बाहरी छात्र भी इंटर्नशिप कार्यक्रम हेतु आवेदन कर सकते हैं ।
Sl.No | Research Projects | Year | Period of study | Status of the research |
1 | Comparison between the effect of MCIMT and motor imagery technique on affected left upper extremity in chronic stroke. | 2014 | Completed | |
2 | A Functional evaluation tool for obstretic brachial plexus palsy: Bimanual hand function evaluation scale. | 2014 | Completed | |
3 | Effect of sensory diet through outdoor play on functional behaviour in children with ADHD. | 2014 | Completed | |
4 | To compare the effect of verbal & videotape feedback on upper body dressing skills of male stroke survivors. | 2014 | Completed | |
5 | The effect of repeated muscle vibration on standing balance in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy | 2014 | Completed | |
6 | Effect of inhibitive weight bearing splint on hand function in stroke survivors – A comparative study. | 2014 | Completed | |
7 | The effect of wrist and thumb kinesiotaping on functional grasp in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy presenting thumb in palm position. | 2014 | Completed | |
8 | Effectiveness of combined approach of Craniosacral Therapy (CST) & sensory –integration therapy (SIT) on reducing symptoms in children with Autism. | 2014 | Completed | |
9 | Effect of leg ergometer on balance functional mobility in chronic stroke patients. | 2014 | Completed | |
10 | Effect of elicited imitation techniques along with sensory integration therapy on socialization in autistic children | 2014 | Completed | |
11 | Impact of spinal cord injury on sexual expression in group of Indian male. | 2014 | Completed | |
12 | Comparison between single task and dual task training on functional mobility in post stroke patients | 2014 | Completed | |
13 | The effect of constraint induced movement therapy CIMT) and hand arm bimanual intensive therapy (HABIT) in improving hand function among children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. | 2014 | Completed | |
14 | Effect of conductive education on gross motor skills of children with spastic diplegic. | 2014 | Completed |
Sl.No | Research Projects | Year | Period of study | Status of the research |
01. | Effect of Handle technique & SI intervention on children with Autism: A comparative study. | 2013 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 | |
02. | A study to find the relationship between the weight bearing rate on the paretic side & balance in independently ambulating hemiparetic clients in the Indian population. | 2013 | January 2010 -July 2012 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 |
03. | A comparative study between task related circuit training & target oriented balance training to improve balance & its effect on function & mobility in chronic stroke patients. | 2013 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 | |
04. | Interrater reliability of bimanual hand function evaluation scale in normally developing children. | 2013 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 | |
05. | Orthotic device to develop Tenodesis function of hand in Tetraplegics. | 2013 | July 2011 to October 2012 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 |
06. | Assistive feeder | 2013 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 | |
07. | Reciprocal crawler | 2013 | Completed & presented at the 50th National Conference of AIOTA on February, 2013 | |
08. | Effect of adaptive sitting position on manual ability of children with CP. | 2013 | April 2011 – July 2012 | Completed |
09. | A study on effect of (in vivo vs simulation training) on acquisition of call making skills in moderate MR children. | 2013 | February 2011 – June 2012 | Completed |
10. | Comparison between bimanual practice & strengthening program to improve upper extremity motor function in stroke. | 2013 | April 2011 – August 2012 | Completed |
11. | Task oriented approach vs video modeling in developing tooth brushing skills among children with Autism: A comparative study. | 2013 | January 2011 – May 2012 | Completed |
12 | Effect of training in independent wheelchair transfers & lower body dressing skills in paraplegics on quality of life of primary care givers. | 2013 | April 2011 – August 2012 | Completed |
13 | Effect of sensory diet on ASD children to improve playfulness. | 2013 | May 2011 – July 2012 | Completed |
14 | Effect of CBT on depression in chronic traumatic SCI client | 2013 | March 2011 – May 2012. | Completed |
15 | Effect of Lycra Garment for the upper extremity on fine motor skills in children with spastic diaplegic CP. | 2013 | April 2011 – June 2012 | Completed |
16 | Effect of two cognitive perceptual approaches (Transfer of training & Affolter) on stroke patients & its impact on ADL: A comparative Study. | 2013 | April 2011 – June 2012 | Completed |
17 | To find out the effect of modified CIMT in OBPI children to improve upper extremity function. | 2013 | April 2011 – August 2012. | Completed |
18 | Effect of oral sensory therapy in controlling drooling in children with spastic diplegic CP. | 2013 | April 2011- June 2012 | Completed |
19 | The effect of relaxation techniques on the upper extremity functional task performance in stroke patient with depression | 2012 | May 2011- October 2011 | Completed |
20 | Development of a Protocol for management of Erb’s Palsy | 2012 | December 2010- October 2011 | Completed |
21 | Effect of shoulder position along with therapeutic exercises on inferior subluxation of shoulder: A Case Report. | 2011 | July 2010- November 2010 | Completed |
22 | Graded Static Elbow Conformer Orthosis for Treatment of Elbow Flexion Contracture Due To Upper Motor Neuron Lesion.A Case Study | 2011 | Completed | |
23 | Clinical implication of limb length discrepancy in stroke: A case study | 2010 | Completed | |
24 | Functional forearm stabilizer splint forC5 tetraplegics. | 2010 | Completed | |
25 | Graded Supinator Splint | 2010 | Completed | |
26 | Effect of arm Ergometer training on cardiac endurance & functional status in adult traumatic tetraplegics (C6-T1) | 2009 | Completed | |
27 | Absence of 4th FDS in dominant hand as predictor of grip strength among normal young adults | 2009 | Completed | |
28 | A method to measure reaching capacity of children with CP | 2009 | Completed |
Awards won by the Staff/Staffs of Department of Occupational Therapy:
Sl.No | Awards won by the Staff | Year | Title of the paper/ exhibit/ splint/ adaptive device | Name of the Staff/Staffs |
01. | AIOTA trophy for Best Adaptive Device | 2014 | Adapted mobility aid & models of positioning device : problems & prescription | Mr. Subrat Ku Haldar |
02. | Gazala Makda Trophy for Best Paper in Paediatrics. | 2014 | Effect of sensory diet through outdoor play on functional behaviour in children with ADHD. | Ms. Sunita Kumari Sahoo Mrs. Anurupa Senapati |
03. | Kamla V Nimbkar Award for Best Scientific Paper | 2014 | Effect of activities providing reactive postural adjustment & anticipatory postural adjustment in improving sitting balance in children with spastic diaplegic Cerebral palsy. | Mrs. Jaya Dixit Mr. Animesh Manjhi Mrs. Anurupa Senapati |
04. | Youth Talent Award for Best Paper. | 2014 | Effect of soft splinting for upper extremity on manual ability in children with spastic cerebral palsy | Mr. Anant Kumar, MOT Mrs. Anurupa Senapati. |
Awards won by the Students of Department of Occupational Therapy:
Sl.No | Awards won by the Students | Year | Category: Model/ poster/ Street play | Theme of the presentation/ Name of the winner |
01. | First prize | 2014 | Street play | Healthy heart & healthy mind. |
02. | Third prize | 2013 | Street play | Public health &Occupational Therapy promotion. |
03. | Gold Medal for Best OT Graduate | 2012 | Best OT graduate of the year | Ms. Shelly Gupta. |
04. | Third prize | 2011 | Poster | Clinical reasoning in OT practice. |
05. | Gold Medal for Best OT Graduate | 2011 | Best OT graduate of the year | Mr. DebashisPanda. |
06. | Second prize | 2010 | Poster | Human rights & Occupational Therapy. |